The book fair is only two weeks away! It's sharing the spotlight with Read Across America week so make sure you've checked your child's folder for the dress-up days and that prized Book Fair catalog! I still make sure to circle all the ones I want!
This year, Tuesday, Feb. 27th, will be Learning Night for Parents and Kids with many games and chances at prizes such as stuffed animals, posters, and books! Then on Thursday, Feb. 29th, we're celebrating everyone's Very Merry UnBirthday with the Mad Hatter and will have free drinks and cookies for all! Everything is first come, first serve so please make sure to come see us!
DON'T FORGET! PreK Registration for the 2024 - 2025 school year is now open for Residents of Tift County AND all Employees of Tift County Schools. Spaces are limited so do not wait, complete your enrollment soon. On March 4th, any available spaces will be opened to Out of County residents.
For more information or to begin the online application visit:
Just a reminder that our schools will not accept Valentine's Day deliveries for students. Thank you! #4theT
Parents, if your child is interested in trying out for the Middle School Cheer Team, the information is listed below! GO, Big Blue <3
The Georgia Parent Survey was developed to measure parent perceptions of school climate at your child’s school. Your opinion is very important to us. Your survey responses are confidential and will be combined with the survey responses of other parents at your child’s school to identify areas in need of improvement. It should only take ten or fifteen minutes to complete the survey. You can begin the survey by clicking on the link below. Thank you for your time and participation. #4theT
Padres, ayúdenos a conocer sus opiniones sobre el uso de PBIS (Apoyo de Intervención de Comportamiento Positivo) por parte de GO Bailey con su estudiante respondiendo esta encuesta. Incluye sus pensamientos sobre el gráfico de comportamiento (o color) y le solicita cualquier idea que pueda tener sobre cómo podemos mejorarlo. ¡Gracias de antemano!
Parents, please help us gain insight on your thoughts regarding G.O. Bailey's use of the PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Supports) with your student by taking this survey. It includes your thoughts on the behavior clip (or color) chart and asks for any ideas you may have about how we can improve it. Thank you in advance!
Follow this link to take the survey:
Survey will be available until March 5th, 2024.
Announcing the 2024 Kiwanis Art and Music Showcase on Friday, March 15, 2024 at 6 pm at the TCHS PAC.
Open to ALL 4th - 12th grade students in Tift Co. or from a surrounding county without a Kiwanis show (public, private or home school)
Deadline for entries is March 1, 2024.
Applications can be found at:
Questions? Tom Shoup 229-388-2142 or
Parents, get ready to celebrate Read Across America Week with your students as G.O. Bailey continues to build Blue Devil Readers!
Below, you'll find descriptions of the dress-up days so you can help your student prepare for a week of Reading and Library Love! Thanks for everything you do to help support your student in their reading journey!
Every story matters, and every story deserves the chance to be heard! This #WorldReadAloudDay, join us and @litworldsays to celebrate diverse stories from all around the globe and #TellEveryStory! #4theT
PreK Registration for the 24-25 school year is now open. Space is limited so don't wait! Student MUST be 4 years old on or before September 1, 2024 to register.
Questions\?? :Call Central Registration at (229) 387-2424. #4theT
ATTENTION parents of students in 5th - 11th grade interested in cheerleading for the 2024-2025 school year...plan to attend this upcoming parent meeting!
Date: February 5th
Time: 6:00pm
Location: TCHS Commons
Contact coaches with questions.
The GaDOE is asking for information from families raising a student with a disability. This feedback provides meaningful data to help us better serve our students. See images for additional information.
PreK Registration for the 24-25 school year opens February 1st. Don't wait, space is limited! On March 4th any available spaces will be opened for out of county residents.
Student MUST be 4 years old on or before September 1, 2024.
Here's to another school year of Building Blue Devil Readers! Parents, we are currently selling Read Across America Shirts for $12 to support replacing favorite series in the media center. Series that your students adore, such as "Diary of a Wimpy Kid", "Bird and Squirrel", "Elephant & Piggies", and "Dork Diaries"! I can't thank you enough for helping these students continue to love reading so much that I need to replace books :)
Good Morning, Parents! Friday is the 100th Day of School and GOB is celebrating by sending the octagenarians to school!
Send your students dressed up as old as they wanna be!
¡Maestros! ¡Padres! ¡Amigos! ¡Los boletos para Sweets & Songs están a la venta a partir del viernes 5 de enero! Los estudiantes de 3ro y 4to grado de G.O. Bailey actuarán el viernes 19 de enero a las 6:30 p.m. en el Centro de Artes Escénicas TCHS. ¡Esta es una recaudación de fondos y nos encantaría que TODOS LLENARAN el ESCENARIO! Los estudiantes de 3ro y 4to grado que están actuando NO tienen que comprar entradas, PERO los padres, los estudiantes que no están actuando, los amigos y los familiares necesitarán entradas para ver a los estudiantes de 3ro y 4to grado de G.O. Bailey. Los estudiantes necesitarán un boleto SI van a sentarse con sus padres para ver la actuación del viernes a las 6:30 o una de las otras actuaciones. Se proporcionarán postres a las personas que hayan comprado un boletos como parte de su compra de entradas la noche de la actuación. El formulario de pedido se envió a casa el viernes pasado con los alumnos de 3ro y 4to grado y también se publicará en las redes sociales y en el sitio web de la escuela. Puede enviar este formulario de pedido con su dinero en efectivo o cheque a G.O. Bailey. Este año, también puede pagar los boletos en línea yendo a y registrándose para tener una cuenta de School Cash Online. También se publicará un folleto sobre la configuración de esta cuenta en el sitio web de la escuela y en la página de Facebook. ¡Por favor, compártelo con amigos y familias de GOB! Para preguntas o ayuda, envíe un correo electrónico a Brian Marchant a
Teachers! Parents! Friends! Sweets & Songs Tickets are on sale beginning Friday, January 5!!! G.O. Bailey 3rd and 4th grade students will be performing on Friday, January 19th at 6:30 p.m. at the TCHS Performing Arts Center. This is a Fundraiser and we would LOVE for EVERYONE to FILL the STAGE!!! The 3rd and 4th Grade students that are performing do NOT have to purchase tickets, BUT parents, students that are not performing, friends, and family members will need tickets in order to watch the G. O. Bailey 3rd and 4th graders perform. Students WILL need a ticket IF they are going to sit with their parents to watch the Friday 6:30 performance or one of the other performances. Desserts will be provided for ticket holders as part of their ticket purchase on the night of the performance. The order form was sent home last Friday with 3rd and 4th graders and will also be posted on social media and the school website. You can send this order form in with your cash or check made out to G. O. Bailey. This year, you can also pay for tickets online by going to and registering for a School Cash Online account. A flyer about setting up this account will also be posted on the School website and Facebook page. Please share with GOB Friends and Families! For questions or help, please email Brian Marchant at
We look forward to seeing all of our students and staff back in school tomorrow. #4theT
After meeting with Tift County EMA officials and out of an abundance of caution, the decision has been made to close all Tift County Schools on Tuesday, January 9th for all students and employees. #4theT