🏃‍♂️ Attention all rising 6th - 12th graders interested in Cross Country! 🏃‍♀️ Join us for an important informational meeting: 📅 Date: Monday, April 29th 🕠 Time: 5:30pm 📍 Location: TCHS Media Center #4theT
9 months ago, Dana Spurlin
Cross Country Meeting Notice
🌟 Registration is now open for the Summer Blue Devil Baseball and Softball Camp for rising 1st - 8th graders. 🌟 📅 Camp Dates: June 10 - 14 🕘 Time: 9am - 12pm 🏫 Location: TCHS 🚨 Early Registration Deadline: May 27th 💲 Cost: $150 Secure your spot today and save by registering early! Visit https://tinyurl.com/tiftbaseball for more information and to sign up. Let's make this summer a home run! ⚾💙
9 months ago, Dana Spurlin
Summer Baseball and Softball Camp
☀️ Are you searching for exciting summer activities? Look no further! The Tift County Commission on Children and Youth has put together an amazing list of options to keep kids engaged and having fun all summer long. From outdoor adventures to creative workshops, there’s something for every interest! Check out the list and start planning now to make this summer one to remember. https://www.tiftschools.com/page/community-events #4theT
9 months ago, Dana Spurlin
Tift County Commission on Children and Youth Summer Activities
¡La Biblioteca Pública del Condado de Tift está organizando "Reunión en la Biblioteca"! G.O. Bailey está invitado y podrá reunirse y saludar al personal de la biblioteca, aprender sobre la programación de la biblioteca, así como reunirse con grupos y empresas de todo Tift, como Arts, Snapology, S. Tifton Learning, Theatre, Art Council, Departamento de Rec y el programa SRP de la Biblioteca. ¡Venga a celebrar a nuestros Lectores Blue Devil y ayudemos a que todos los estudiantes del condado de Tift también sean lectores!
9 months ago, Laura Leigh Shealey
Public Library- Meet Us at the Library (Spanish)
Tifton-Tift County Public Library is hosting "Meet Us at the Library"! G.O. Bailey is invited and will be able to meet and greet with Library Staff, learn about Library Programming, as well as meet with Groups and Businesses from around Tift, such as the Arts, Snapology, S. Tifton Learning, Theatre, Art Council, Rec Dept, and The Library SRP program. Please come celebrate our Blue Devil Readers and let's help make all students Tifton-Tift County Readers too!
9 months ago, Laura Leigh Shealey
Public Library- Meet Us at the Library Flyer (English)
It's time to nominate a teacher who has made a positive impact in your life or your child's education! The TCFEE is accepting nominations for their Excellence in Teaching awards! 🍎 Complete the nomination form by May 31st. #4theT https://forms.gle/dYPoZ788UPjQx1qC8
9 months ago, Dana Spurlin
TCFEE Excellence in Teaching Nominations
If your student intends or has been chosen to participate in a sport during their 6th-grade year, please read the following for details about physicals.
9 months ago, Laura Leigh Shealey
Sports Physicals Info
Cross Country Parent/Student Interest Meeting *for upcoming 6th-12th graders Monday, April 29th at 5:30 PM at the TCHS Media Center
9 months ago, Dana Spurlin
Cross Country Meeting Notice
¡Ayude a GO Bailey completando esta encuesta! ¡Esta es su oportunidad de dar su opinión, expresar cualquier inquietud o elogiar como padre o familia de GOB! https://forms.gle/JhwKyUji1qdFdZpQ7
9 months ago, Laura Leigh Shealey
Parent/Family Engagement Survey- Spanish
Please help G.O. Bailey by filling out this survey! This is your chance to give feedback, voice any concerns, or give praise as a G.O.B. Parent or Family! Follow this link for survey, or use QR code below: https://forms.gle/x4uiqPJBgV7yF9US6
9 months ago, Laura Leigh Shealey
Parent/Family Engagement Survey- English
Out of an abundance of caution, G O Bailey Elementary was placed on a soft lockdown this afternoon due to a potential situation in the neighborhood around the school. System security personnel worked with local law enforcement to determine there was no threat to the safety and security of the students or staff and dismissal is proceeding as normal. #4theT
10 months ago, Dana Spurlin
Safety and Security Message
📢 Attention Tift County parents, students, teachers and community! 🌟 Join us tonight from 5:30 - 7:00 PM in the Tift County High School Media Center for a Meet and Greet with our Superintendent. This is a fantastic opportunity to share your thoughts, ask questions, and strengthen our community. See you there! #4theT
10 months ago, Dana Spurlin
Meet and Greet Thursday
🔭✨ On April 8, 2024, mark your calendars for a rare event: a solar eclipse! 🌟 This awe-inspiring phenomenon promises to captivate us as the moon passes between the sun and Earth, casting a shadow across the sky. 🌌🌒 We want to ensure that everyone enjoys this celestial marvel safely. Click the link below for a letter from our superintendent regarding this event: https://tiftcountyschools.edurooms.com/engage/tift-county-schools/newsletters/solar-eclipse-april-8-2024 🌟🔭 Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to witness the magic of the cosmos! 🌟🌌 #4theT
10 months ago, Dana Spurlin
April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse
We are thrilled to introduce you to our superintendent, Mrs. Natalie Gore. Join us on Tuesday, April 2nd at Eighth Street Middle School (Media Center) or Thursday, April 4th at Tift County High School (Media Center) from 5:30pm to 7:00pm for a special community meet and greet event! This is an opportunity for students, parents, teachers and community members to come together and welcome Mrs. Gore to the Blue Devil family. We look forward to seeing you there! #4theT
10 months ago, Dana Spurlin
Community Meet and Greet
Kindergarten registration for the 2024-2025 school year is officially OPEN! Spread the word to help make sure that every student is registered to begin their educational journey! Let's extend a warm welcome to the newest members of our Blue Devil family!💙 #4theT
10 months ago, Dana Spurlin
Kindergarten Registration is now open!
Mensaje para Padres: Hemos estado trabajando con nuestros oficiales en sugerencias para mejorar nuestra fila de carros y patrones de tráfico. A partir del JUEVES 7 de marzo, todos los estudiantes (que viajan en automóvil) entrarán al edificio por la entrada del gimnasio. Usaremos UN carril que corre a lo largo de la banqueta de nuestro edificio, paralelo a Newton Drive- el más cercano al edificio para dejar los estudiantes. Todos los estudiantes deberán salir del carro, si es posible, por el lado del conductor para que estén en la banqueta. Si no salen por el lado del conductor, deberán caminar en FRENTE de su propio carro. Cuando los padres vayan saliendo de la escuela, deberán girar a la IZQUIERDA en Newton Drive (no se permitirá girar a la derecha). Esperamos que esto ayude al flujo del tráfico. VER MAPA EN LA PARTE DE ATRÁS Sabemos que tendremos padres que llegarán de Ferry Lake a Newton y padres que llegarán de Kennedy a Newton - por favor sean corteses y túrnense para entrar a nuestra fila de carros. Todos los padres que traigan a sus hijos a la escuela en un automóvil deberán utilizar la fila de carros. No se estacione al otro lado de la calle o al final de nuestro campus en el estacionamiento abierto y cruce con los niños. Queremos mantener a todos los niños SEGUROS. Es MÁS SEGURO para ellos que bajen por la banqueta con un empleado/a de la escuela. El segundo carril (carril derecho) es únicamente para maestros y personal. Entrarán en este carril para estacionar. Estudiantes que viajan en automóvil: 7:10-7:45 Campana de Tardanza: 7:45 A las 7:45 un empleado/a colocará un letrero en la banqueta indicando que pasa de las 7:45 y que su hijo/a llegó tarde. Los estudiantes que lleguen tarde deberán entrar por las puertas principales de la escuela para registrarse. Los estudiantes que caminan - desde el frente entran por la puerta de la cafeteria; desde atrás, entran por la puerta del gimnasio (igual que los que viajan en automóvil). La parte delantera de la escuela será una entrada para autobuses y empleados únicamente a partir del JUEVES 7 de marzo.
11 months ago, Laura Leigh Shealey
GOB New Car Drop Off
EXCITING NEWS! We are changing our morning drop off starting THURSDAY, March 7! Check your child's bookbag for a parent letter with details! All car riders will be dropped off at the GYM entrance! Parent Memo: We have been working with our officers on suggestions for improving our drop off line and traffic patterns. Beginning on THURSDAY, March 7 all students (car riders) will enter the building at the gym entrance. We will use ONE lane that runs along the side of our building -parallel to Newton drive -closest to the building for car drop off. All students will need to exit the car, if possible, on the driver side so that they are on the sidewalk. If they do not exit on the driver side, they will need to walk in FRONT of their own car. As parents leave campus they will need to turn LEFT onto Newton Drive (turning right will not be allowed). We hope this will help the flow of traffic. SEE MAP ON THE BACK We know we will have parents arriving from the Ferry Lake to Newton and parents arriving from Kennedy to Newton - please be courteous and take turns entering our drive. All parents that bring their children to school in a vehicle will need to use the drop off line. Do not park across the street at the nursing home or at the end of our campus in the open lot and walk children across. We want to keep all children SAFE. It is SAFEST for them to unload on a sidewalk with a school employee. The second lane (right lane) is for faculty and staff only. They will enter this lane to access parking. Car riders: 7:10-7:45 Tardy bell: 7:45 At 7:45 an employee will place a sign on the sidewalk noting that it is after 7:45 and your child is tardy. Students that are tardy will need to enter through the front doors of the school to check in. Walkers - from the front enter through the cafeteria door; from the back enter through the gym door(same as car riders) The front of the school will be a bus and employee entrance only beginning on THURSDAY, March 7.
11 months ago, Laura Leigh Shealey
New Car Drop Off Map
Mark your calendars because Community Care Day is coming up on March 9th! It's a day dedicated to fun, connection, and supporting one another in our community. Resources available for health, fitness, and disabilities. Tift County Rec Department 9am - 12pm. #4theT
11 months ago, Dana Spurlin
Community Care Day English
Community Care Day Spanish
📢🌟 Attention job seekers! 🌟📢 Tift County Schools is hosting a Job Fair for classified positions on March 9th! Are you ready to join our team and make a difference in our community? Here's what you need to know: 📅 Date: March 9th ⏰ Time: 9am - 12pm 📍 Location: Tift County Schools Administrative Office - 506 W 12th Street, Tifton Whether you're experienced or just starting your career journey, we welcome you to come and explore the opportunities available at Tift County Schools. Don't miss this chance to be part of a supportive and dedicated team that is Relentlessly Pursuing a Culture of Excellence! See you at the Job Fair! #4theT
11 months ago, Dana Spurlin
Tift County Schools Job Fair
PLEASE SHARE! It's time to register PreK students for the 24-25 school year. DON'T WAIT! Spaces are limited and any available spaces will be opened to out of county residents beginning March 4th. For information visit www.tiftschools.com and click on PreK Registration. #4theT
11 months ago, Dana Spurlin
PreK Registration Open