Physical Education

G.O. Bailey Physical Education aims to teach kids a variety of skills and activities that will help students develop a desire to live active and healthy lifestyles. Physical Education at G.O. Bailey Elementary School includes a multitude of sports, skills, and games for the students to practice and learn in a safe environment designed for them to have fun in each and every time they enter the gym. At G.O. Bailey, students will be led and instructed by certified Physical Education teacher Rob Willis on how they can get active and stay engaged in physical activity inside and outside of school.

Below is a list of the skills students will be taught during Physical Education at G.O. Bailey Elementary School:

  • Locomotor/Non-Locomotor Skills

  • Spatial Awareness

  • Throwing/Catching Skills

  • Striking Skills

  • Basketball Skills

  • Soccer Skills

  • Volleyball Skills

  • Cooperative Skills/Games

  • Jump Rope Skills

  • Balancing Skills

  • Juggling Skills

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