TCHS family and friends, we ask that you take a moment to lift up Mrs. Amy Grist and her family in your thoughts and prayers. Mrs. Grist has suffered a medical emergency and needs a miracle right now. She is loved by all staff and students.
almost 3 years ago, Lacy Cargle
Prayers for Mrs. Grist
Senior walk information!
almost 3 years ago, Lacy Cargle
Important information about Diablos School Store.
almost 3 years ago, Lacy Cargle
Click on the link to view the National Honors Society Induction. These students make us Better Today Than Yesterday! #4theT
almost 3 years ago, Lacy Cargle
National Honors Society Video Link
All senior chromebooks and chargers are due on Wednesday, May 11th, in the TCHS media center. All fees must be paid before graduation practice as well. #BTTY #4theT
almost 3 years ago, Lacy Cargle
TCHS Chromebook Collection
Many thanks to Bowen Associates and Dr. Stone for organizing the distribution of the remaining regalia for graduating seniors. Bowen and Associates will be at Tift County High School next Wednesday (May 11th) during all 4 lunch periods to distribute hoods (white collar with navy T) to all graduating seniors. Dual Enrollment and Work-based Learning students may come to campus from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on May 11th to collect their missing regalia. Any regalia not picked up on this day will be distributed to students at graduation practice on Wednesday, May 18th. #BTTY #4theT
almost 3 years ago, Lacy Cargle
Ainsley Toews and Benjamin Wilson were nominated by the TCHS Athletic Department for the Region 1-AAAAAAA Athletic Scholarship. These two were voted as the Region 1-AAAAAAA Athletic Scholarship recipients by the principals in the region. Congratulations, we are so proud of you! #BTTY #4theT
almost 3 years ago, Lacy Cargle
Region 1-AAAAAAA
Please congratulate the following student for their successes at the State FFA Convention this past week! Ella Daniell was awarded the WLC Scholarship! #FFA #BTTY #4theT
almost 3 years ago, Lacy Cargle
WLC SCholarship- Ella Daniell
Please congratulate the following student for their successes at the State FFA Convention this past week! Garret Carlson was awarded the Georgia FFA Foundation Scholarship! #FFA #BTTY #4theT
almost 3 years ago, Lacy Cargle
Garrett Carlson
TCHS Senior, Erynn Allison, retired from her position as the 2021-2022 Southern Region State Vice President and presented her retiring address. #BTTY #4theT #FFA
almost 3 years ago, Lacy Cargle
Erynn Allison
Please congratulate the following students for their successes at the State FFA Convention this past week! State Degree Recipients (This is the highest honor a GA FFA Member can earn)- Jessica Adamson, Walker Barry, Garett Carlson, Blake Chambless, Anna Farmer, Will Fulp, Jose Gonzalez, Hector Montalvo, Bryanna Sumner, Jerry Taylor, and Scott Upshaw . #FFA #BTTY #4theT
almost 3 years ago, Lacy Cargle
State Degree Recipients (This is the highest honor a GA FFA Member can earn)-
Please congratulate the following students for their successes at the State FFA Convention this past week! In the Agriscience Fair- 2nd Place- Plant Systems Division 4- Molly Wells & Tyson Lasseter. In 3rd Place- Environmental/Natural Resources Division 5- Emma Barr. #FFA #BTTY
almost 3 years ago, Lacy Cargle
2nd Place- Plant Systems Division 4- Molly Wells & Tyson Lasseter
3rd Place- Environmental/Natural Resources Division 5- Emma Barr
Please congratulate the following students for their successes at the State FFA Convention this past week! Students placed 3rd for National FFA Week Observance. #FFA #BTTY #4theT
almost 3 years ago, Lacy Cargle
3rd Place National FFA Week Observance- Tift County FFA
Please congratulate the following students for their successes at the State FFA Convention this past week! 4th in State Parliamentary Procedure- Blake Chambless, Ella Daniell, John Donaldson, Catherine Roach, Emma Barr, Phillip Spader. #FFA #BTTY #4theT
almost 3 years ago, Lacy Cargle
4th in State Parliamentary Procedure-
Please congratulate the following students for their successes at the State FFA Convention this past week! 2nd Place Agricultural Education Proficiency Award- Bryanna Sumner, 2nd Place Sheep Production Proficiency Award- Erynn Allison, 3rd Place Nursery Operations Proficiency Award- Jerry Taylor #BTTY #4theT
almost 3 years ago, Lacy Cargle
Jerry Taylor
Bryanna Sumner
Congratulations to the Agriculture Issues Forum team (Emma Barr, Ella Danielle, Catherine Roach, and Sam Donaldson) for being named the STATE winners! They will represent Georgia at the National Level in October! #FFA #BTTY #4theT
almost 3 years ago, Lacy Cargle
Agriculture Issues Forum team
The Local Graze by Southern Caterers made charcuterie cups for teachers to enjoy as part of Teacher Appreciation Week! Thank you Dr. Stone for spoiling the staff this week! #BTTY #4theT
almost 3 years ago, Lacy Cargle
McLemore and McElroy
Waddell and Winger
Perrin and  Richards
Cargle and Hathaway
Please help TCHS congratulate senior, Weendy Banda Flores. Ms. Flores is the recipient of the Nancy Courtoy-Tiftarea Board of REALTORS Scholarship! Congratulations! #BTTY #4theT
almost 3 years ago, Lacy Cargle
Weendy Banda Flores
Please help TCHS congratulate senior, Rebekah Slaven. Ms. Slaven is the recipient of the Nancy Courtoy-Tiftarea Board of REALTORS Scholarship! Congratulations! #BTTY #4theT
almost 3 years ago, Lacy Cargle
Rebekah Slaven
If you are currently in 5th grade - 11th grade and you are interested in joining the Cross Country team next year, come to an Informational Meeting on Monday, May 16th at 5:30pm in the TCHS Commons. #4theT
almost 3 years ago, Dana Spurlin
Cross Country Informational Meeting